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The Rigging of a Three-masted Ship

The Rigging of a Three-masted Ship.jpg The Pharos at AlexandriaMiniaturesThe Sails of a Four-masted ShipThe Pharos at AlexandriaMiniaturesThe Sails of a Four-masted ShipThe Pharos at AlexandriaMiniaturesThe Sails of a Four-masted ShipThe Pharos at AlexandriaMiniaturesThe Sails of a Four-masted ShipThe Pharos at AlexandriaMiniaturesThe Sails of a Four-masted ShipThe Pharos at AlexandriaMiniaturesThe Sails of a Four-masted Ship

(1) Foremast;
(2) Mainmast;
(3) Mizzenmast;
(4) Fore, main, and mizzen-topmasts;
(5) Fore, main, and mizzen topgallant masts; (6) Fore, main, and mizzen royal and skysail masts;
(7) Fore yard;
(8) Main yard;
(9) Crossjack yard;
(10) Fore, main, and mizzen lower topsail yards;
(11) Fore, main, and mizzen upper topsail yards;
(12) Fore, main, and mizzen lower topgallant yards;
(13) Fore, main, and mizzen upper topgallant yards;
(14) Fore, main, and mizzen royal yards;
(15) Fore, main, and mizzen skysail yards;
(16) Spanker gaff;
(17) Fore and main trysail gaffs;
(18) Lower shrouds;
(19) Topmast shrouds;
(20) Back stays;
(21) Fore skysail stay;
(22) Fore royal stay;
(23) Flying jib stay;
(24) Fore topgallant stay;
(25) Jib stay;
(26) Fore topmast stays;
(27) Fore stays;
(28) Main skysail stay;
(29) Main topgallant stay;
(30) Main topmast stay;
(31) Mizzen skysail stay;
(32) Fore and main lifts;
(33) Topsail lifts;
(34) Topgallant lifts;
(35) Spanker boom;
(36) Bowsprit;
(37) Jib boom;
(38) Flying jib-boom;
(39) Martingale or dolphin striker;
(40) Braces (named from the yard to which they are attached);
(41) Bobstays;
(42) Martingale stays.