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An Execution in Paris

An Execution in Paris.jpg Public ExecutionMiniaturesRichard crucifiedPublic ExecutionMiniaturesRichard crucifiedPublic ExecutionMiniaturesRichard crucifiedPublic ExecutionMiniaturesRichard crucified

The woodcut represents the execution, in Paris, of a famous captain of robbers, Aymerigol Macel. The scaffold is enclosed by a hoarding; at the nearer corners are two friars, one in brown and one in black, probably a Franciscan and a Dominican; the official, who stands with his hands resting on his staff superintending the executioner, has a gown of red with sleeves lined with white fur, his bonnet is black turned up also with white fur. In the background are the timber houses on one side of the place, with the people looking out of their windows; a signboard will be seen standing forth from one of the houses. The groups of people in the distance and those in the foreground give the costumes of the ordinary dwellers in a fourteenth-century city.