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Skeleton of Horse

Skeleton of Horse.jpg Horse and chickensThumbnailsBlacksmith shoeing horseHorse and chickensThumbnailsBlacksmith shoeing horseHorse and chickensThumbnailsBlacksmith shoeing horseHorse and chickensThumbnailsBlacksmith shoeing horse

Skeleton of the Horse

1.Skull, or skeleton of the head.
2.Cervical vertebræ or neck bones.
3.Dorsal vertebræ or back bones.
4.Lumbar vertebræ or loin bones.
5.Sacral vertebræ or rump bones.
6.Coccygeal vertebræ or tail bones.
7.Pelvic or hip bones.
8.Sternum or breast bone.
10.Scapula or shoulder blade.
11.Humerus or shoulder bone.
12.Radius or bone of the fore-arm.
13.Ulna or bone of the fore-arm.
14.Carpus or bones of the knee.
15.Os Melacarpi Magnus, metacarpal, or cannon bone.
16.Ossa Melacarpi Parva, or splint bones.
17.Proximal Phalanx, os suffraginis, or large pastern bone.
18.Great Sesamoid Bones.
19.Medium Phalanx, os coronæ, or small pastern bone.
20.Distal Phalanx, os pedis, or coffin bone.
21.Os Naviculare, small sesamoid, or shuttle bone.
22.Femur, or thigh bone.
23.Patella, or stifle bone.
24.Tibia, or leg bone.
25.Fibula. (This bone is little developed in the horse.)
26.Tarsus or hock bones.
27.Metatarsus, or os metatarsi magnus.
28.Ossa Metatarsi Parva, or splint bones of the hind leg.

Names of joints placed according to numbers.
I. Shoulder Joint.
II. Elbow Joint.
III.Carpus or knee joint.
IV.Fetlock Joint.
V.Pastern Joint.
VI.Coffin Joint.
VII.Hip Joint.
VIII.Stifle Joint.
IX.Tarsus or hock joint.