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Steel Corset worn in Catherine's time.

Steel Corset worn in Catherine's time..png Group of French AviatorsThumbnailsGroup of French AviatorsThumbnailsGroup of French AviatorsThumbnailsGroup of French AviatorsThumbnailsGroup of French AviatorsThumbnailsGroup of French AviatorsThumbnailsGroup of French AviatorsThumbnails

The most extensive and extreme use of the corset occurred in the 16th century, during the reign of Catherine de Medici of France and Queen Elizabeth of England. With Catherine de Medici a thirteen-inch waist measurement was considered the standard of fashion, while a thick waist was an abomination. No lady could consider her figure of proper shape unless she could span her waist with her two hands. To produce this result a strong rigid corset was worn night and day until the waist was laced down to the required size. Then over this corset was placed the steel apparatus shown in the illustration on next page. This corset-cover reached from the hip to the throat, and produced a rigid figure over which the dress would fit with perfect smoothness.