- Pierre Mille
- The Wolf among the Sheep. (John x. 12)
- Elephants in a Forest. (Ezek. xxvii. 15)
- Syrian Asses.
- The Leopard by the Way. (Hos. xiii. 7)
- The Wanderoo
- Oxen bearing the Yoke. (Lam. iii. 27)
- Bears descending from the Hills. (Prov. xxviii. 15)
- Kellogs Toasted Corn Flakes Poster
- Kuppenheimer Clothes Poster
- Lowneys Chocolate Bonbons Poster
- Gold Dust Poster
- Jap-A-Lac Poster
- K T C Poster
- E-C Corn Flakes Poster
- Fairy Soap Poster
- Cottolene Poster 2
- Cottolene Poster
- Duke of York Poster
- Chiclets Poster
- Clothcraft Poster
- Budweiser Poster
- Bull Durham Poster
- Carnation Milk Poster
- American Radiator Company Poster
- Armour's Extract of Beef Poster
- Arrow Collars
- The Gold Dust Twins Poster
- Turkish Trophies Poster
- Uneeda Biscuit Poster
- Wrigley's Poster
- Roosevelt Poster
- St Charles Cream Poster
- REd Spot Poster
- Regal Shoes Poster
- Quaker Corn Meal Poster
- Quaker Wheat Berries Poster
- Red Seal Paint Poster
- OLd Underoof Poster
- Pabst Blue Ribbon Poster
- Men Wanted for the Army Poster
- Military and Athletic Tournament Poster
- Motoring Clothes
- A Toad
- A frog eyeing his lunch
- A frog
- Frogs
- Two toads
- A long fringe
- Children plaing in a tree
- Elegant lady in coat
- Two well-dressed girls
- Young Lady with umbrella
- Young girl
- Two ladies 4
- Two ladies in fur coats
- Two ladies
- Two standing ladies
- Two well dressed girls
- Tweed Hunting Outfit