- Private Houses in Cairo
- Rabáb esh-Shá’er
- Ornamented black Veils
- Parade previous to Circumcision
- Pipes
- Plan of a Bath
- Postures of Prayer (Part I.)
- Postures of Prayer (Part II.)
- Lantern, etc., suspended on the occasion of a Wedding
- Men of the Middle and Higher Classes
- Mesh′als
- Muk-hul′ahs and Mirweds
- Nose-rings
- Náy
- Kumkum and Mibkhar’ah
- Kursee and Seeneeyeh
- Lady attired for Riding or Walking
- Charles Darwins Signature
- Darwin
- Down House from the Garden
- Emma Darwin at Thirty-One
- Charles Darwin as a Child with his Sister Catherine
- The Beagle Laid Ashore for Repairs at River Santa Cruz, Patagonia
- The Study at Down
- Lady keeling and praying
- Jesus Christ
- Jesus Christ
- Praying Hands
- handshake
- ABC of the gospel
- Moses parting the Red Sea
- Jesus on cross
- Hands
- Two Angels
- Righteousness exalteth a nation
- The Word of God shall stand forever
- Cockroach (Roach)
- Head and Antlers of the Arctic Reindeer
- Page
- Title
- Brazen Fountain used for supplying Water to the Temple, Ancient Judea
- Grapes Divider
- Diagram of Valves in the Heart and Veins
- Diagram of the circulatory system
- Outline diagram showing general plan and position of body-machinery
- A Tourniquet
- A longitudinal section of stomach, or peptic, glands
- Blood Corpuscles
- Diagram of artery, capillaries, and veins
- Surface veins and deep-lying arteries of inner side of right arm and hand
- The Nervous System
- The New Method of Artificial Breathing
- The Salivary Glands
- The food route in the digestive system
- Cicindela tuberculata - Larva
- Cicindela tuberculata
- Colymbetes rufimanus
- Pterostichus opulentus - Larva
- Pterostichus opulentus
- Colymbetes rufimanus - Larva