- Roman Soldiers
- Revolt of the Tribes
- Return of the Dove with the Olive Branch
- Return of the Jews from Captivity
- Rebekah Sees Isaac Coming to Meet Her
- Rabshakeh Before Sennacherib
- Queen Esther Crowned
- Priest—High-Priest—Levite
- Pouring Out a Drink Offering
- Presentation in the Temple
- Pharaoh's Host Destroyed in the Red Sea
- Pharaoh's Daughter Finding Moses
- Peter Denying Jesus
- Page Frame
- Noah and His Family Leaving the Ark
- Noah's Sacrifice After the Flood
- Nehemiah Armeth the Laborers
- Moses
- Moses Viewing the Promised Land
- Moses Giving His Charge to Joshua
- Moses Receiving the Tables of the Law
- Moses Destroys the Tables of the Law
- Moses Bringing Water From the Rock
- Moses Bringing the New Tables of the Law
- Moses and the Tables of the Law
- Melchizedek Blessing Abram
- Moses and the Burning Bush
- Mary
- Mary Magdalene at the Sepulchre
- Mary Anoints the Head of Jesus
- Lot and His Family Fleeing from Sodom
- Marching around Jericho
- Leather Bottles
- Laban Hiring Jacob
- Korah and His Associates Swallowed Up
- Killing the Male Children Under Two Years Old
- Judas Betrays Jesus
- Joshua Capturing the City of Ai
- Joshua Commanding the Sun to Stand Still
- Joseph Sold by His Brethren
- Joseph Proclaimed Ruler Over Egypt
- Joseph Meeting His Father
- Joseph Interpreting Pharaoh's Dream
- Joseph Makes Himself Known to His Brethren
- Joseph Commanded to Flee into Egypt
- John the Baptist Preaching in the Wilderness
- Jezebel Eaten by Dogs
- Jesus Washing His Disciples' Feet
- Jesus Teaches Nicodemus
- Jesus Teaching in the Temple
- Jesus Supports the Sinking Peter
- Jesus Sleeps During the Storm
- Jesus Raises the Widow's Son
- Jesus Raises the Daughter of Jairus
- Jesus Heals the Sick of the Palsy
- Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane
- Jesus Gives Sight to the Two Blind Men
- Jesus Feeding the Five Thousand
- Jesus Falls Under the Cross
- Jesus Drives Out the Money-changers