- The reformed dress
- A servant with tucked sleeves
- The obi for ordinary wear. For girls. For women
- The hakama
- The haori
- The obi, square and plain
- The kimono, rear and front view
- Sushi and soba
- Raw fish, whole and sliced
- A well
- A skylight and the Kitchen-God
- The Kitchen
- A meal
- How to hold chopsticks
- A meal-tray
- A shrine of the Rice-God
- Foot-warmers
- A chest of drawers and a trunk
- A Sitting-room
- A Visitor
- An eight-matted parlour
- The Porch - Open and Latticed
- A six-matted room and verandah
- A garden
- A House without a gate
- Door Fastenings
- A roofed and a pair gate
- A House and a Gate
- The samisen
- The Koto
- A young lady dressed for a visit
- A shop in Tokyo
- A Street in Yedo
- The seven herbs of autumn
- Good evening, gentlemen, evidently you were not expecting me
- Frederick at the watch-fire before the battle of Liegnitz
- Frederick stood on the bloody field like one dazed
- Second examination of Tharacus
- Stoning of Stephen, the first Christian martyr
- Peter crucified at Rome
- Phocas put to death in a lime-kiln
- Matthew, the evangelist, beheaded at Nadavar
- Matthias hung on the cross, stoned, and beheaded
- Martyrdom of James, the son of Alpheus
- Martyrdom of Simon Zelotes, and Judas Thaddeus
- Mattheus Mair drowned
- Leonhard Keyser on the way to execution
- Luke hanged on an olive tree
- Mark dragged to the stake
- Ignatius devoured by wild beasts
- John banished to the isle of Patmas
- John mocked and tormented
- Vitalius buried alive at Ravenna
- William White burned at Norwich, England
- Stoning ot the apostle Philip
- The apostle Thomas, cast into an oven
- Two young girls led to execution
- Eulalia refusing the idol worship
- Fourteen persons burned at Orleans, France
- God’s judgment on King Honoricus