Home / Albums / Technology / Astronomy 44

- New and Correct Globes
- The Solar System, or the orbits of the planets
- The Great Orrery
- Hildegard receiving the light from Heaven
- The Hildegard Country
- Hildegard’s first scheme of the universe
- The universe
- Hildegard’s second scheme of the universe
- Celestial influences on men animals and plants
- Dante’s scheme of the universe
- Ramage's Telescope
- The Cause of Tides
- The Planets, Showing their Relative Distances and Dimensions
- The comparative sizes of the sun and the planets
- Diagram Showing the Main Layers of the Sun
- A Map of the Chief Plains and Craters of the Moon
- A Diagram of a Stream of Meteors Showing the Earth Passing Through Them
- Zenith Telescope
- Altazimuth Theodolite
- The Copernican theory of the Solar System
- The Ptolemaic idea of the Universe
- The 'Ring with Wings.' - Assyrian Form
- Showing how the Tail of a Comet is directed away from the Sun
- Map of the Moon
- Great Telescope of Hevelius
- Orbit and Phases of an Inferior Planet
- A Tubeless, or 'Aerial' Telescope
- The Great Yerkes Telescope
- The comet of 1066, as represented in the Bayeux Tapestry
- Astronomical Variations Affecting Climate
- The Orrery, made by James Ferguson
- The Motions and Phases of Mercury and Venus explained
- The Moon’s surface mountainous
- The Method of finding the Distances of the Sun, Moon, and Planets
- The Geometrical Construction of Solar and Lunar Eclipses
- The Eclipsareon
- The Earth nearer the Sun in winter than in summer
- The cause of the tides discovered by Kepler
- Seasons
- Moons Orbit
- The superstitious notions of the antients with regard to Eclipses
- The Solar System
- The primary Planets never eclipse one another
- The Planetary motions very irregular as seen from the Earth