Home / Albums / Religion / Christianity / Catholic / Liturgical Calendar 64
All the pictures in this album came from a Catholic site. It appears to me that the pictures can all be freely used.
I dont understand Spanish or understand the significance for Catholics, so have just used the picture names converted to English as the description.

- Twenty second ordinary
- Twelvth Sunday in Ordinary time
- Thirty-second ordinary
- Thirteenth Sunday in ordinary time
- Third Sunday of Easter
- Third Ordinary
- Third of Lent
- third of Advent
- Tenth Sunday in ordinary time
- Sunday
- Sunday twenty-sixth ordinary
- Sunday twenty-seventh Ordinary
- Sunday twenty-ninth ordinary
- Sunday twenty-eigth ordinary
- Sunday twenty third ordinary
- Sunday twenty fourth ordinary
- Sunday twenty - first regular
- Sunday twentieth regular
- Sunday Thirty-fourth ordinary
- sunday thirtieth ordinary
- Sunday tenth regular seventh
- Sunday sixteenth regular
- Sunday nineteenth regular
- Sunday Fourth Ordinary
- Sunday Fifth Ordinary Sunday
- Sunday eighteenth ordinary
- Sunday after Christmas
- Sunday - Thirty third ordinary
- Sixth Sunday of Easter
- seventh Sunday of Easter
- Second of Lent
- Second
- Second Sunday of Easter
- Palm Sunday
- Second of Advent
- Ordinary
- ninth Sunday in ordiary time
- Most Holy Trinity
- June 29 - Saint Peter and Saint Paul
- June 24th - Saint john the Baptist
- January 1
- Holy Thursday
- Good Friday
- Fourth Sunday of Easter
- Fourth of Lent
- Fourth of Advent
- Fourteenth Sunday in ordinary time
- First Ordinary Sunday
- First of Lent
- Fifth Sunday of Easter
- first of Advent
- Fifteenth sunday in ordinary time
- Feast of the transfiguration (6 August)
- Feast of the Ascension
- Feast of Pentecost
- Feast of Corpus Christi
- Feast of all saints (November 1)
- Exaltation of the cross (September 14)
- Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary time
- Easter