18 photos in 1 sub-album
Home / Albums / Wars / Second World War 69

- Type 94 Smoke Candle
- 10 kg Naval smoke Candle
- Rifle Smoke Grenade
- Japanese Model 89 Grenade Discharger
- Japanese Model 89 Grenade Discharger and ammunition
- Panzer Grenadier Personnel Carrier
- Dug-in but uncamoflaged 88 mm gun
- Dug-in but uncamoflaged 88 mm gun in North Africa
- Hollow-charge principle
- German Machine Gun 42
- Tellermine Model 35
- New Type of Improved Wooden Box Mine
- Heavy Tank
- Combat score
- Heavy Tank 2
- Type 99 Self-propelled smoke candle
- Smoke Grenade (for grenade discharger)
- Type 94 floating Smoke Candle
- Camouflage
- Travelling Position
- Firing Position
- Medium flame-thrower
- Panzer
- Small-size one-man flame-thrower
- 15-mm aircraft cannon
- 20-mm aircraft cannon
- 75-mm recoilless gun
- Fascist Militia
- 45 mm light mortar
- 65-17 Infantry gun
- 8-mm medium machine gun
- Service Revolver and Pistols
- Cross section of the M13-40 four-man tank
- Mc-205, Fighter
- S. P. A. Sahariano truck
- Searchlight unit
- 20-65 Anti Aircraft gun, model 35
- 81 mm medium mortar, model 35
- Flying uniform, captain
- Parachutist, Second lieutenant
- Service Dress , major
- 20-65 Anti Aircraft gun, ready for transport
- 47-32 antitank gun, model 37
- M13 (formerly M11) tank
- Service rifles and carbines
- Cross section of antipersonnel mine B4
- Girder bridge No. 1
- Hand grenades
- Antipersonnel mine B4
- Brigadier General
- Type O.G.M. rotary telephone switchboard
- Lietenant Colonel, Cavalry
- Marshall, old-style coat
- Second Lietenant Infantry
- Sergeant-major, new-style coat
- Protective Suit
- Summer Uniform, Private, infantry
- Uniform of tank crews
- 2 cm Flakvierling 38
- German 105-mm Gun-Howitzer