- Cow Drinking
- Lindemann's
- Harvey’s 'Wayside Inn"
- African drinking
- Studies in Expression
- Etruscan mode of drinking
- Hittite God
- Hittite ladies drinking
- Filling the wine cups at a feast
- Assyrians drinking
- Egyptians’ Early Use of Wine
- Drinking Tea
- A Sitting-room
- Man drinking
- Two old ladies preparing a cup of tea
- Alehouse
- Man at Alehouse
- Is it in Condition
- Health-Drinking
- Cornelius Caton
- Cakes and Ale.
- Anglo-Saxons Feasting and Health-Drinking
- Ancient Alehouse
- Kittens drinking
- [he Queen
- Horse drinking
- Filling Up
- Great Drinkers of the North
- The London Coffee Stall