- Worhipping the Cobra
- Pulliar
- Juggernaut
- Juggernaut's Chariot
- The Sky as a cow
- The bark of the sun
- The Sun-God of Edfu
- Hittite God
- Bacchus
- The Hindoo Trimurti
- Figure of Bes
- Figures of Taourt
- Another representation of the Elephant-headed Rain god
- Reproduction of a Picture in the Maya Codex Troano representing the Rain-god Chac treading upon the Serpent's head
- Babylonian Weather God
- Representation of the ancient Mexican Worship of the Sun
- Greek costume of the Classic Period
- A Goddess
- Venus Pompeiana
- Isis and Horus
- Egyptian Gods—Set, Anubis, Typhon, Bes
- Athene of the Parthenon