- Fishes
- Fish
- Other Pets
- Opostomias micripnus
- Stomias Boa. From a depth of 1,900 metres
- The Aspredo Cat fish
- Paradise fish
- Three Spined Stickleback
- Butter fish
- Cephalaspis and Loricaria, an Ancient and a Modern Armored Fish
- Pterichthys, the Wing Fish
- Pike
- Nest Building Fish
- The young of the common Eel and its metamorphosis
- The oldest fossil fish known—discovered in the Upper Silurian strata of Scotland, and named Birkenia by Professor Traquair
- Paintings of fish on plates
- Rainbow Darter
- Long-eared Sunfish
- Trout
- Female Stickleback Laying Eggs in Nest
- Male Stickleback Watching Eggs in Nest
- Female Stickleback about to Enter Nest
- The wonderful draught of fishes
- Boys’ Festival, Japan
- A self-sustaining or balanced aquarium
- The walking-fish or mud-skipper (Periophthalmus)
- Early Life-History of the Salmon
- Australian Lung Fish