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The Nina

The Nina.png Christopher ColumbusMiniaturesThe First Voyage of ColumbusChristopher ColumbusMiniaturesThe First Voyage of ColumbusChristopher ColumbusMiniaturesThe First Voyage of ColumbusChristopher ColumbusMiniaturesThe First Voyage of ColumbusChristopher ColumbusMiniaturesThe First Voyage of Columbus

On Christmas morning (December 25, 1492), while it was still dark, as he was cruising along the shores of[Pg 16] Hayti (or Hispaniola), the Santa Maria went aground on a sand-bar, where the waves soon knocked her to pieces. As the Pinta had already deserted, there now remained but one ship, the Niña. This little vessel was too small to accommodate all the men, and forty of the number, wishing to stay where they were, decided to build a fort out of the timbers of the wrecked vessel and put her guns in the fort for their defence. These men had provisions for a year, and constituted the first Spanish colony in the New World.