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The Triumphal Return of Columbus to Spain

The Triumphal Return of Columbus to Spain.jpg Hernando De SotoThumbnailsThe PintaHernando De SotoThumbnailsThe PintaHernando De SotoThumbnailsThe PintaHernando De SotoThumbnailsThe PintaHernando De SotoThumbnailsThe PintaHernando De SotoThumbnailsThe Pinta
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The successful voyager lost no time in reaching Barcelona, where he was received by the king and queen with triumphal honors. Everybody was ready to praise the man who had become so famous. There was a great procession in his honor in the streets of Barcelona. Leading this street parade were six Indians whom Columbus had brought back with him. These were smeared with paint, decked with feathers of tropical birds, and ornamented with bits of gold. Following them came men carrying stuffed and live birds of brilliant plumage, and the skins of different animals, all products of the New Land. Columbus rode on horseback, attended by many of Spain's great men, mounted on horses.

Project Gutenberg's American Leaders and Heroes, by Wilbur Fisk Gordy Published 1907