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Hernando De Soto

Hernando De Soto.jpg Christopher ColumbusThumbnailsThe Triumphal Return of Columbus to SpainChristopher ColumbusThumbnailsThe Triumphal Return of Columbus to SpainChristopher ColumbusThumbnailsThe Triumphal Return of Columbus to SpainChristopher ColumbusThumbnailsThe Triumphal Return of Columbus to SpainChristopher ColumbusThumbnailsThe Triumphal Return of Columbus to Spain
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While Cortez and Pizarro had been conquering Mexico and Peru, other Spaniards had been seeking their fortune in Florida. Thus far these men had brought back no gold and silver, but their faith in the mines of the interior was so great that De Soto wished to conquer and explore the country. Having already won great influence by his achievements, he secured the favor of the king, who made him governor of the island of Cuba, and appointed him leader of an expedition to conquer and occupy Florida. He was to take men enough with him to build forts and plant a colony, so as to hold the country for Spain.

Project Gutenberg's American Leaders and Heroes, by Wilbur Fisk Gordy Published 1907