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Slaves on a cotton plantation

Slaves on a cotton plantation.jpg Lincoln 1860MiniaturesLincoln StudyingLincoln 1860MiniaturesLincoln StudyingLincoln 1860MiniaturesLincoln StudyingLincoln 1860MiniaturesLincoln StudyingLincoln 1860MiniaturesLincoln StudyingLincoln 1860MiniaturesLincoln Studying

Slaves on a cotton plantation

But the war was not without its good results also. One of these, embodied later in the Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution, set free forever all the slaves in the Union; and another swept away for all time the evils of State rights, nullification, and secession. Webster's idea that the Union was supreme over the States had now become a fact which could never again be a subject of dispute. The Union was "one and inseparable."