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"Meeleck! Come Meeleck, Come!"

New Milk.png  "Will you have any Matches to-day? Twenty bunches for 6d"Thumbnails"Any Oranges today?" "Will you have any Matches to-day? Twenty bunches for 6d"Thumbnails"Any Oranges today?" "Will you have any Matches to-day? Twenty bunches for 6d"Thumbnails"Any Oranges today?" "Will you have any Matches to-day? Twenty bunches for 6d"Thumbnails"Any Oranges today?" "Will you have any Matches to-day? Twenty bunches for 6d"Thumbnails"Any Oranges today?"

This wholesome beverage, is carried all round the city by men in carts, wagons and very large tin kettles. The cows are pastured on the Island of New-York,some along the New-Jersey shore, and large droves on Long-Island. Milk sells from 4 to 6 cents per quart, delivered at our doors every morning in the winter season and twice a day in summer.