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The Assault

The Assault.jpg The Duke of Gloucester and the Earl of WarwickMiniaturesSummoning the CastleThe Duke of Gloucester and the Earl of WarwickMiniaturesSummoning the CastleThe Duke of Gloucester and the Earl of WarwickMiniaturesSummoning the CastleThe Duke of Gloucester and the Earl of WarwickMiniaturesSummoning the Castle

Seizing that moment, a party of camp followers run forward with a couple of planks, which they throw over the moat to make a temporary bridge. They are across in an instant, and place scaling-ladders against the walls. The knights, following close at their heels, mount rapidly, each man carrying his shield over his head, so that the bare ladder is converted into a covered stair, from whose shield-roof arrows glint and stones roll off innocuous. It is easy to see that a body of the enemy might thus, in a few minutes, effect a lodgment on the castle-wall, and open a way for the whole party of assailants into the interior.