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Horn Headdress

Horn Haeddress.png i 189ThumbnailsHaughty look from a young womani 189ThumbnailsHaughty look from a young womani 189ThumbnailsHaughty look from a young womani 189ThumbnailsHaughty look from a young womani 189ThumbnailsHaughty look from a young woman

The horn-shaped head-dress appears in no pictorial documents or monuments older than the reign of Henry IV.

In a volume entitled "Jougleurs et Trouvères," by M. Jubinal, is a satire on horned head-dresses, under the title of "Des Cornetes," from a MS. in the Bibliothèque Royale at Paris, of the beginning of the fourteenth century. In this poem it appears that the Bishop of Paris had preached a sermon directed against extravagance in women's dress, their horns and the bareness of their necks. "If we do not get out of the way of the women we shall be killed; for they carry horns with which to kill men."