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Horned Lark

Horned Lark.jpg Pied-billed GrebeThumbnailsWhite-crowned SparrowPied-billed GrebeThumbnailsWhite-crowned SparrowPied-billed GrebeThumbnailsWhite-crowned SparrowPied-billed GrebeThumbnailsWhite-crowned SparrowPied-billed GrebeThumbnailsWhite-crowned Sparrow

Horned Lark

A sparrow-size bird with black tail, which flushes from the road while you travel along, is the Horned Lark. When you travel slower you will find that he walks when he moves around, never hopping like birds which prefer trees. Other marks to look for are a black crown, black line extending from the beak, curving back and down over the cheek and a black patch below the white or yellow throat. A white or yellow line, depending on the subspecies of the bird you see, separates the crown from the black facial pattern. The horns, from which the bird gets his name, consist of 2 tufts of feathers extending up from the crown, but sometimes are hard to see. Body color is brownish above with light belly.

Horned Larks prefer short-grass country with barren hills or other open spots such as the sandy shoulders of highways. There you will find them walking or running in their search for small seeds or insects. When snow covers the ground they flock to the highways where graders and snowplows have removed the icy covering.