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Pied-billed Grebe

Pied-billed Grebe.jpg Phronima colletti, Male. From a Specimen taken in Deep Water near the Canary IslandsMiniaturesPied-billed Grebe, Breeding PlumagePhronima colletti, Male. From a Specimen taken in Deep Water near the Canary IslandsMiniaturesPied-billed Grebe, Breeding PlumagePhronima colletti, Male. From a Specimen taken in Deep Water near the Canary IslandsMiniaturesPied-billed Grebe, Breeding PlumagePhronima colletti, Male. From a Specimen taken in Deep Water near the Canary IslandsMiniaturesPied-billed Grebe, Breeding Plumage

Pied-billed Grebe

It makes little difference to this bird whether you call him “Water-witch, Hell-diver, Dabchick or Pied-billed Grebe,” for these are only a few of the names by which he is known. His only concern is finding a pond, lake or other water, well supplied with crayfish, minnows or insects on which he feeds. Leeches are a favorite morsel.

The short, thick bill of this grebe is distinctive, even in winter when the black encircling band from which it gets its name, is missing. General appearance is brown, being brownish-black above, lighter brown and white below. On water the short tail usually is carried high enough to show the white under-tail coverts.