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Emin Pasha

Emin Pasha.jpg Emma Darwin at Thirty-OneMiniaturesEmeline CigrandEmma Darwin at Thirty-OneMiniaturesEmeline CigrandEmma Darwin at Thirty-OneMiniaturesEmeline CigrandEmma Darwin at Thirty-OneMiniaturesEmeline CigrandEmma Darwin at Thirty-OneMiniaturesEmeline CigrandEmma Darwin at Thirty-OneMiniaturesEmeline Cigrand

Among others whom Gordon employed as Governors of
these various provinces under his Vice-regal Government was one Edward Schnitzler, a German born in Oppeln, Prussia, 28th March, 1840, of Jewish parents, who had seen service in Turkey, Armenia, Syria, and Arabia, in the suite of Ismail Hakki Pasha, once Governor-General of Scutari, and a Mushir of the Empire. On the death of his patron he had departed to Niesse, where his mother, sister, and cousins lived, and where he stayed for several months, and thence left for Egypt. He, in
1875, thence travelled to Khartoum, and a medical doctor, was employed by Gordon Pasha in that capacity. He assumed the name and title of Emin Effendi Hakim —the faithhful physician.

Finally, in 1878, was promoted to Bey, and appointed Governor of the Equatorial Province of Ha-tal-astiva, which, rendered into English, Bey, and appointed Governor of the Equatorial Pro-
vince of na-tal-ustiva, which, rendered into English,
means Equatoria, at a salary of 50 pound per month.