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Sunday Morning near Stanhope Gate

Sunday Morning near Stanhope Gate.jpg A Sidewalk ArtistMiniaturesHamletA Sidewalk ArtistMiniaturesHamletA Sidewalk ArtistMiniaturesHamletA Sidewalk ArtistMiniaturesHamletA Sidewalk ArtistMiniaturesHamletA Sidewalk ArtistMiniaturesHamlet

Sunday is Hyde Park’s day “At Home,” and in the shape of a blue sky she sends her invitation to all London, and her popularity is easily shown by the number and variety of her friends. By long odds the best-looking exhibit is to be seen during church-parade. It extends from Hyde Park Corner to Stanhope Gate, and consists of the well-to-do, most of whom probably first came to the park with their nurses and a little later with their tutors, and they now come grown up and with white hair to pay their respects to the good doctor of their childhood. They form what is distinctly a Sunday gathering, and one as serious as a wedding. Seldom a loud voice is heard. There is a feeling of rest throughout the whole scene, and it is impossible to be there without entering into the spirit of it.