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Victorio—an Apache Warrior

Victorio—an Apache Warrior.jpg Tibetan Lamas blowing on ShellsMiniaturesWaganda MusiciansTibetan Lamas blowing on ShellsMiniaturesWaganda MusiciansTibetan Lamas blowing on ShellsMiniaturesWaganda MusiciansTibetan Lamas blowing on ShellsMiniaturesWaganda MusiciansTibetan Lamas blowing on ShellsMiniaturesWaganda MusiciansTibetan Lamas blowing on ShellsMiniaturesWaganda MusiciansTibetan Lamas blowing on ShellsMiniaturesWaganda Musicians

Mr. Lummis has written of the Apache warrior and described the war led by Geronimo. It was a daring thing. There was but a handful of the Indians. “Thirty-four men, eight well-grown boys, ninety-two women and children”—that was all. Only forty-two who could be called fighters. On May 17, 1885, the little band broke forth from their reservation and headed for Mexico. It took the United States a year and a half of useless trouble and expense to pursue them. Time after time, when it seemed certain that the Indians were trapped, they 14vanished. They never stood for a pitched battle. But anywhere, concealed behind rocks or hidden in brush, they picked off the soldiers sent to capture them. The forces of the United States and Mexico were both kept constantly upon the move. When a year had passed about sixty of the Indians returned home. Twenty warriors, with fourteen women, kept up the battle, when they too went home. During the year and a half of fighting more than four hundred whites and Mexicans were killed; only two of the Indian band were destroyed. During that time Arizona and New Mexico and all the northern part of Mexico were kept in constant terror. These Apaches were truly “wild Indians.”