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The Queens first council - Kensington Palace June 20 1837

The Queens first council - Kensington Palace June 20 1837.jpg Gold pectoral inlaid with enamelThumbnailsOptical Illusion in dressGold pectoral inlaid with enamelThumbnailsOptical Illusion in dressGold pectoral inlaid with enamelThumbnailsOptical Illusion in dressGold pectoral inlaid with enamelThumbnailsOptical Illusion in dressGold pectoral inlaid with enamelThumbnailsOptical Illusion in dress
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Queen Victorias first council - Kensington Palace June 20 1837

The year 1837, except for the death of the old King and the accession of the young Queen, was a tolerably insignificant year. It was on June 20 that the King died. He was buried on the evening of July 9 at St. George’s Chapel, Windsor; on the 10th the Queen dissolved Parliament; on the 13th she went to Buckingham Palace; and on November 9 she visited the City, where they gave her a magnificent banquet, served in Guildhall at half past five, the Lord Mayor and City magnates humbly taking their modest meal at a lower table.

Fifty Years Ago
By Walter Besant
Published in 1888Available from gutenberg.org