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Of the Eyes and Head of a Grey drone-Fly

Of the Eyes and Head of a Grey drone-Fly.png Scorpions and SpidersThumbnailsOf Peacocks, Ducks, and other Feathers of changeable coloursScorpions and SpidersThumbnailsOf Peacocks, Ducks, and other Feathers of changeable coloursScorpions and SpidersThumbnailsOf Peacocks, Ducks, and other Feathers of changeable coloursScorpions and SpidersThumbnailsOf Peacocks, Ducks, and other Feathers of changeable coloursScorpions and SpidersThumbnailsOf Peacocks, Ducks, and other Feathers of changeable coloursScorpions and SpidersThumbnailsOf Peacocks, Ducks, and other Feathers of changeable coloursScorpions and SpidersThumbnailsOf Peacocks, Ducks, and other Feathers of changeable colours
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I took a large grey Drone-Fly, that had a large head, but a small and slender body in proportion to it, and cutting off its head, I fix'd it with the forepart or face upwards upon my Object Plate (this I made choice of rather then the head of a great blue Fly, because my enquiry being now about the eyes, I found this Fly to have, first the biggest clusters of eyes in proportion to his head, of any small kind of Fly that I have yet seen, it being somewhat inclining towards the make of the large Dragon-Flies. Next, because there is a greater variety in the knobs or balls of each cluster, then is of any small Fly.) Then examining it according to my usual manner, by varying the degrees of light, and altering its position to each kinde of light, I drew that representation of it which is delineated in the 24. Scheme, and found these things to be as plain and evident, as notable and pleasant.

by Robert Hooke
Published 1665
Available from gutenberg.org