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Lee Leaving Appomattox

Lee Leaving Appomattox .jpg M102 HowitzerMiniaturesL. C. Brock alias Joe JacksonM102 HowitzerMiniaturesL. C. Brock alias Joe JacksonM102 HowitzerMiniaturesL. C. Brock alias Joe JacksonM102 HowitzerMiniaturesL. C. Brock alias Joe JacksonM102 HowitzerMiniaturesL. C. Brock alias Joe Jackson

Lee Leaving Appomattox Court House

So Lee fell back towards Lynchburg, but on April 9th, 1865, being entirely surrounded by Grant’s vast army, he and his few ragged men surrendered to General Grant at Appomattox Court-House. Lee had only eight thousand men, while Grant’s army numbered about two hundred thousand.