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“Columba,” famous Clyde river steamer, 1875

“Columba,” famous Clyde river steamer, 1875.jpg Bell’s ‘Comet,’ off Dumbarton on the Clyde, 1812Miniatures'Wilhelm Kaiser' On The Rhine, 1886Bell’s ‘Comet,’ off Dumbarton on the Clyde, 1812Miniatures'Wilhelm Kaiser' On The Rhine, 1886Bell’s ‘Comet,’ off Dumbarton on the Clyde, 1812Miniatures'Wilhelm Kaiser' On The Rhine, 1886Bell’s ‘Comet,’ off Dumbarton on the Clyde, 1812Miniatures'Wilhelm Kaiser' On The Rhine, 1886Bell’s ‘Comet,’ off Dumbarton on the Clyde, 1812Miniatures'Wilhelm Kaiser' On The Rhine, 1886

Fifty years later witnessed the full development of Mr. Bell’s ideal in the Columba, then as now the largest river steamer ever seen on the Clyde, and the swiftest. The Columba is built of steel, is 316 feet long and 50 feet wide. She has two oscillating engines of 220 horse-power, and attains a speed of twenty-two miles an hour. Her route is from Glasgow to Ardrishaig and back, daily in summer, when she carries from 2,000 to 3,000 persons through some of the finest scenery in Scotland. She is provided with steam machinery for steering and warping her into the piers, and with other modern appliances that make her as handy as a steam yacht. She resembles a little floating town, with shops and post-office where you can procure money orders and despatch telegrams And what is the Columba after all but an enlarged and perfected reproduction of Bell’s Comet!