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The 'Running Horse,' Leatherhead

The 'Running Horse,' Leatherhead.jpg The Kitchen of a Country Inn, 1797MiniaturesSeven StarsThe Kitchen of a Country Inn, 1797MiniaturesSeven StarsThe Kitchen of a Country Inn, 1797MiniaturesSeven StarsThe Kitchen of a Country Inn, 1797MiniaturesSeven StarsThe Kitchen of a Country Inn, 1797MiniaturesSeven Stars

A hundred and fifty years later than Piers Plowman we get another picture of an English ale-house, by no less celebrated a poet. This famous house, the “Running Horse,” still stands at Leatherhead, in Surrey, beside the long, many-arched bridge that there crosses the river Mole at one of its most picturesque reaches. It was kept in the time of Henry the Seventh by that very objectionable landlady, Elynor Rummyng, whose peculiarities are the subject of a laureate’s verse.