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Officers of the table

Officer ofs the table.png NutcrackerMiniaturesPromulgation of an Edict.NutcrackerMiniaturesPromulgation of an Edict.NutcrackerMiniaturesPromulgation of an Edict.NutcrackerMiniaturesPromulgation of an Edict.NutcrackerMiniaturesPromulgation of an Edict.NutcrackerMiniaturesPromulgation of an Edict.NutcrackerMiniaturesPromulgation of an Edict.

Officers of the Table and of the Chamber of the Imperial Court: Cup-bearer, Cook, Barber, and Tailor, from a Picture in the "Triomphe de Maximilien T.," engraved by J. Resch, Burgmayer, and others (1512), from Drawings by Albert Durer.