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Mile End Almshouses

Mile End Almshouses.jpg Dr. Barnardo’s Home, Stepney CausewayMiniaturesThe Bridge of HopeDr. Barnardo’s Home, Stepney CausewayMiniaturesThe Bridge of HopeDr. Barnardo’s Home, Stepney CausewayMiniaturesThe Bridge of HopeDr. Barnardo’s Home, Stepney CausewayMiniaturesThe Bridge of HopeDr. Barnardo’s Home, Stepney CausewayMiniaturesThe Bridge of Hope

Homes and schools for the boys and girls, hospitals for the adult, there remain the aged. Dotted about all over London there are about a hundred and fifty almshouses; of these about half are situated in and about East London. Not that the people of East London have been more philanthropic in their endowments than those of the west, but, before there was any city of East London, almshouses were planted here on account of the salubrity and freshness of the air and the cheapness of the ground. Some of these have been moved farther afield, their original sites being built over. The People’s Palace, for instance, is built upon the site of the Bancroft almshouses, founded in 1728 for the maintenance and education of one hundred poor. Their original house has gone, but the charity is still maintained.