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Destroying a Straggler from the Armada

Destroying a Straggler from the Armada.jpg A Sea-fight in Tudor TimesMiniaturesLord Howard Attacking a Ship of the Spanish ArmadaA Sea-fight in Tudor TimesMiniaturesLord Howard Attacking a Ship of the Spanish ArmadaA Sea-fight in Tudor TimesMiniaturesLord Howard Attacking a Ship of the Spanish ArmadaA Sea-fight in Tudor TimesMiniaturesLord Howard Attacking a Ship of the Spanish ArmadaA Sea-fight in Tudor TimesMiniaturesLord Howard Attacking a Ship of the Spanish Armada

The first Spanish ships to meet their fate were the stragglers from the main body of the Armada. Above is shown one such vessel being engaged by an English captain. The great Spanish galleon is quite at the mercy of the smaller but handier vessel, which has got the wind of her enemy, and is pouring a destructive fire into her prow.