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Punishment by Fire

Punishment by Fire.png Italians of the 15th CenturyMiniaturesCostumes of Slaves or SerfsItalians of the 15th CenturyMiniaturesCostumes of Slaves or SerfsItalians of the 15th CenturyMiniaturesCostumes of Slaves or SerfsItalians of the 15th CenturyMiniaturesCostumes of Slaves or SerfsItalians of the 15th CenturyMiniaturesCostumes of Slaves or SerfsItalians of the 15th CenturyMiniaturesCostumes of Slaves or Serfs

Punishment by Fire
When a criminal had been condemned to be burnt, a stake was erected on the spot specially designed for the execution, and round it a pile was prepared, composed of alternate layers of straw and wood, and rising to about the height of a man. Care was taken to leave a free space round the stake for the victim, and also a passage by which to lead him to it. Having been stripped of his clothes, and dressed in a shirt smeared with sulphur, he had to walk to the centre of the pile through a narrow opening, and was then tightly bound to the stake with ropes and chains. After this, faggots and straw were thrown into the empty space through which he had passed to the stake, until he was entirely covered by them; the pile was then fired on all sides at once