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ver all she bound a wildcat skin, drawing the upper edge over the baby’s head, like a hood.

Papoose.jpg VeteransThumbnailsUntil I was about nine years old, my hair was cut shortVeteransThumbnailsUntil I was about nine years old, my hair was cut shortVeteransThumbnailsUntil I was about nine years old, my hair was cut shortVeteransThumbnailsUntil I was about nine years old, my hair was cut short

Having bathed my baby, Red Blossom bound him in his wrapping skins. She had a square piece of tent cover, folded and sewed along the edges of one end into a kind of sack. Into this she slipped my baby, with his feet against the sewed end. About his little body she packed cattail down.

On a piece of rawhide, she put some clean sand, which she heated by rolling over it a red-hot stone. She packed this sand under my baby’s feet; and, lest it prove too hot, she slipped a piece of soft buckskin under them.

Over all she bound a wildcat skin, drawing the upper edge over the baby’s head, like a hood.

The hot sand was to keep my baby warm. This and the cattail down we placed in a baby’s wrappings only in winter, when on a journey.