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It had a long curved beak

It had a long curved beak.jpg The wild geese had come north, but this fact alone was not proof that winter had goneThumbnailsOstrichThe wild geese had come north, but this fact alone was not proof that winter had goneThumbnailsOstrichThe wild geese had come north, but this fact alone was not proof that winter had goneThumbnailsOstrichThe wild geese had come north, but this fact alone was not proof that winter had goneThumbnailsOstrich
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One morning, having come to the field quite early, I grew tired of my play before my grandmother had ended her work. “I want to go home,” I begged, and I began to cry. Just then a strange bird flew into the field. It had a long curved beak, and made a queer cry, cur-lew, cur-lew.

I stopped weeping. My grandmother laughed.

“That is a curlew,” she said.

Waheenee--An Indian Girl's Story
By Waheenee
as told to Gilbert Livingstone Wilson
Illustrator: Frederick N. Wilson
Published in 1921
Available from gutenberg.org