
Sir Henry Bessemer says: 'It is this new material, so much stronger and tougher than common iron, that now builds our ships of war and our mercantile marine. Steel forms their boilers, their propeller shafts, their hulls, their masts and spars, their standing rigging, their cable chains and anchors, and also their guns and armour-plating. This new material has covered with a network of steel rails the surface of every country in Europe, and in America alone there are no less than 175,000 miles of Bessemer steel rails.' These steel rails last six times longer than if laid of iron.'
- Author
- The Project Gutenberg eBook, The Romance of Industry and Invention, Edited by Robert Cochrane Published 1897
- Posted on
- Sunday 15 March 2020
- Dimensions
- 800*585
- Tags
- Manufacturing
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