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Use of the Pavis

Use of the Pavis.jpg Saxon Soldier, in Leather ArmourMiniaturesGerman SoldierSaxon Soldier, in Leather ArmourMiniaturesGerman SoldierSaxon Soldier, in Leather ArmourMiniaturesGerman SoldierSaxon Soldier, in Leather ArmourMiniaturesGerman SoldierSaxon Soldier, in Leather ArmourMiniaturesGerman Soldier
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The archers of the castle found shelter behind the merlons of the battlements, and had the windows from which they shot screened by movable shutters; as may be seen in the next woodcut of the assault on a castle. It would have put the archers of the assailants at a great disadvantage if they had had to stand out in the open space, exposed defenceless to the aim of the foe; all neighbouring trees which could give shelter were, of course, cut down, in order to reduce them to this defenceless condition, and works were erected so as to command every possible coigne of vantage which the nooks and angles of the walls might have afforded. But the archers of the besiegers sought to put themselves on more equal terms with their opponents by using the pavis or mantelet. The pavis was a tall shield, curved so as partly to envelop the person of the bearer, broad at the top and tapering to the feet.

The Project Gutenberg eBook, Scenes and Characters of the Middle Ages, by Edward Lewes Cutts
Published in 1911