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Happy Days

Happy Days.jpg The DaisiesMiniaturesMammas and BabiesThe DaisiesMiniaturesMammas and BabiesThe DaisiesMiniaturesMammas and BabiesThe DaisiesMiniaturesMammas and BabiesThe DaisiesMiniaturesMammas and BabiesThe DaisiesMiniaturesMammas and BabiesThe DaisiesMiniaturesMammas and Babies
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"Are you going next week to see Phillis and Phoebe?
Phillis on Monday will be just fourteen.
She says we shall all have our tea in the garden,
And afterwards have some nice games on the green.

"I wanted a new frock, but mother said, 'No,'
So I must be content with my old one you see.
But then white is so pretty, and kind Aunt Matilda
Has sent down a beautiful necklace for me."

"Oh, yes, I am going, and Peggy is going,
And mother is making us new frocks to wear;
I shall have my red sash and my hat with pink ribbons—
I know all the girls will be smart who are there.

"And then, too, we're going to each take a nosegay—
The larger the better—for Phillis to say
That all her friends love her, and wish her so happy,
And bring her sweet flowers upon her birthday.

"And won't it be lovely, in beautiful sunshine,
The table spread under the great apple tree,
To see little Phillis—that dear little Phillis—
Look smiling all round as she pours out the tea!"

Ajoutée le
Lundi 4 Mai 2020