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Fight between an Ordinary Roller Spider and a Scorpion

Fight between an Ordinary Roller Spider and a Scorpion.jpg Filaria in the muscles and labium of CulexMiniaturesField ScorpionFilaria in the muscles and labium of CulexMiniaturesField ScorpionFilaria in the muscles and labium of CulexMiniaturesField ScorpionFilaria in the muscles and labium of CulexMiniaturesField ScorpionFilaria in the muscles and labium of CulexMiniaturesField ScorpionFilaria in the muscles and labium of CulexMiniaturesField Scorpion
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The Roller Spider hides during the day in crevices of the loamy soil, in reed beds or under stones; at night she goes out for robbery and catches Insects. Tests on large specimens have shown that she also attacks large animals. A 52 mm Roller Spider. body length grabbed a 105 mm. long Scorpion at the root of the tail, bit it off and then devoured the whole animal. However, this victory was only due to chance, as it turned out, when a second Scorpio was brought to her and she attacked them from the front; this animal held its enemy with the claws and wounded it with the poison spine, to which it succumbed after a few convulsions.
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Project Gutenberg's Leven der Dieren, Deel 3, Hoofdstuk 5, by A. E. Brehm