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A Justing Toy

A Justing Toy.jpg A Horse baited with DogsThumbnailsA Posture-Master.—XIV. CenturyA Horse baited with DogsThumbnailsA Posture-Master.—XIV. CenturyA Horse baited with DogsThumbnailsA Posture-Master.—XIV. CenturyA Horse baited with DogsThumbnailsA Posture-Master.—XIV. CenturyA Horse baited with DogsThumbnailsA Posture-Master.—XIV. CenturyA Horse baited with DogsThumbnailsA Posture-Master.—XIV. Century
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Persons of `rank` were taught in their childhood to relish such exercises as were of a martial nature, and the very toys that were put into their hands as playthings, were calculated to bias the mind in their favour. On the opposite page the reader will find two views of a knight on horseback, completely equipped for the just; four wheels originally were attached to the pedestal, which has a hole in the front for the insertion of a cord. The knight and his horse are both made with brass; the spear and the wheels are wanting in the original, but the hole in which the spear was inserted, still remains under the right arm, and it is supplied upon the print by something like it placed in the proper situation. This curious figure was probably made in the fifteenth century.

The man represented may be readily separated from the horse, and is so contrived as to be thrown backwards by a smart blow upon the top of the shield or the front of his helmet, and replaced again with much ease: two such toys were requisite; each of them having a string made fast in the front of the pedestal, being then placed at a distance in opposition the one to the other, they were violently drawn together in imitation of two knights tilting; and by the concussion of the spears and shields, if dexterously managed, one or both of the men were cast to the ground.

The Sports and Pastimes of the People of England from the Earliest Period to the Present Time
By Joseph Strutt
Published 1845
Available from gutenberg.org