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The Street Seller of Nutmeg Graters

The Street Seller of Nutmeg Graters.jpg Stock-Jobbing in the Palais-RoyalMiniaturesThe layers of the headStock-Jobbing in the Palais-RoyalMiniaturesThe layers of the headStock-Jobbing in the Palais-RoyalMiniaturesThe layers of the headStock-Jobbing in the Palais-RoyalMiniaturesThe layers of the headStock-Jobbing in the Palais-RoyalMiniaturesThe layers of the headStock-Jobbing in the Palais-RoyalMiniaturesThe layers of the headStock-Jobbing in the Palais-RoyalMiniaturesThe layers of the head
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The Street Seller of Nutmeg Graters

Many of those who have lost an arm, or a leg, or a hand, turn showmen, or become sellers of small metal articles, as knives or nutmeg-graters; and many who have been born cripples may be seen in the streets struggling for self-support. But all who are driven to the streets have not been physically disabled for labour. Some have been reduced from their position as tradesmen or shopmen; others, again, have been gentlemen’s servants and clerks; all, dragged down by a series of misfortunes, sometimes beyond their control, and sometimes brought about by their own imprudence or sluggishness

London Labour and the London Poor by Henry Mayhew - Published 1851 - Available from books.google.com