Gearless, 75 H.P.jpg Gearless, 50 H.PMiniaturesHill Touring Car, 35 H.PGearless, 50 H.PMiniaturesHill Touring Car, 35 H.PGearless, 50 H.PMiniaturesHill Touring Car, 35 H.PGearless, 50 H.PMiniaturesHill Touring Car, 35 H.PGearless, 50 H.PMiniaturesHill Touring Car, 35 H.P
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Gearless, 75 H.P.  Gearless Transmission Co., Rochester, N. Y.

PRICE: $3,750
BODY: Side entrance tonneau
SEATS: 7 persons
WEIGHT: 3,000 pounds
WHEEL-BASE: 128 inches
TREAD: 56 inches
TIRES, FRONT: 36 × 4 inches
TIRES, REAR: 36 × 4½ inches
STEERING: Worm and nut
BRAKES: On transmission and 2 on each rear hub
SPRINGS: Semi-elliptical
FRAME: Pressed steel
BORE: 413/16 in.; STROKE: 5⅝ in.
CYLINDERS: 6 vertical in front
VALVE ARRANGEMENT: Inlet and exhaust in side ports
MOTOR SUSPENSION: From sub-frame
IGNITION: Jump spark, 2 sets of plugs
CURRENT SUPPLY: Storage battery and magneto
CARBURETER: Float-feed
LUBRICATION: Pump driven by gears
MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle
CLUTCH: Expanding ring
CHANGE GEAR: Gearless 1907 model, direct drive
SPEEDS: 2 forward and reverse
CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Foot pedal for forward speeds; side lever for back up
DRIVE: Shaft

An Illustrated Directory of the Specifications of All Domestic and Foreign Motor-cars and Motor Business Wagons, 1907
Author: MoToR, The National Monthly Magazine of Motoring
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