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Assyrian Wine List

Assyrian Wine List.jpg Filling the wine cups at a feastThumbnailsAssyrians drinkingFilling the wine cups at a feastThumbnailsAssyrians drinkingFilling the wine cups at a feastThumbnailsAssyrians drinkingFilling the wine cups at a feastThumbnailsAssyrians drinking
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“This list of wines is found engraved upon a terra-cotta tablet from the palace of Assur-ba-ni-pal, the Sardanapalus of the Greeks, and evidently represents the wines supplied to the royal table. It reads:

Col. I. Wine of the Land of Izalli.
Wine, the Drink of the King (Daniel i. 5).
Wine of the Nazahrie.
Wine of Ra-h-ū (Shepherds’ Wine).
Wine of Khabaru.

Col. II. Wine of Khilbunn or Helbon.
Wine of Arnabani (North Syria).
Wine of Sibzu (Sweet Wine).
Wine of Sa-ta-ba-bi-ru-ri (which I think means Wines which from the Vineyard come not).
Wine of Kharrubi (Wine of the Carrob or Locust bean).”

Drinks of the World
By James Mew and John Ashton
Published in 1898
Available from gutenberg.org