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An ear was parched by thrusting a stick into the cob, and holding it over the coals

An ear was parched by thrusting a stick into the cob, and holding it over the coals.jpg A watchers’ stageMiniaturesAn earthen pot full of water stood by one of the posts near the fireA watchers’ stageMiniaturesAn earthen pot full of water stood by one of the posts near the fireA watchers’ stageMiniaturesAn earthen pot full of water stood by one of the posts near the fireA watchers’ stageMiniaturesAn earthen pot full of water stood by one of the posts near the fire
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Indian boys, when out herding horses, often carried two or three ears of corn for lunch. An ear was parched by thrusting a stick into the cob, and holding it over the coals

Waheenee--An Indian Girl's Story
By Waheenee
as told to Gilbert Livingstone Wilson
Illustrator: Frederick N. Wilson
Published in 1921
Available from gutenberg.org