- Larva of Xenopsylla cheopis
- Larva of Auchmeromyia luteola
- Culicoides guttipennis - mouth parts of adult
- Culex larva showing details of external structure
- Pharyngeal syringe or salivary pump of Fulgora maculata
- Pulex irritans, female
- Pediculus vestimenti 2
- Pediculus vestimenti
- Cimex lectularius
- Larva of Pulex irritans
- Newly hatched young of Cimex lectularius
- Pupa of flea
- Freshly hatched larva of Julus multistriatus
- Newborn Cicada
- Agalena and Her Funnel-Web
- Lepismas at Work
- Seventeen-year Cicada
- Blossom of Cucurbita
- Dome-like House of Cicada
- Brachinus Pursued by an Enemy
- Common Tiger Beetle
- Nest of Lasius
- American Luna Moth
- House-builder Moth
- Neglecta Butterfly
- Pseudargiolus Butterfly
- Violacea Butterfly
- Leaf-Cutter Bee at Work
- Mourning-Cloak Butterfly
- Syrian Ants
- Every good mother should be the honored queen of a happy family
- Bees
- Flea
- Cærostris Mitralis, in profile
- Cærostris Mitralis
- The Caterpillar of the Small Elephant Hawk-moth (Chærocampa porcellus)
- The Caterpillar of the Elephant Hawk-Moth (Chærocampa elpenor). First stage
- The Caterpillar of the Elephant Hawk-Moth (Chærocampa elpenor). Second Stage
- The Caterpillar of the Elephant Hawk-Moth (Chærocampa elpenor). Just before the second moult.
- The Caterpillar of the Elephant Hawk-Moth (Chærocampa elpenor). Third Stage
- The Caterpillar of the Elephant Hawk-Moth (Chærocampa elpenor). Fourth Stage
- The Caterpillar of the Elephant Hawk-Moth (Chærocampa elpenor). Fifth Stage
- The Caterpillar of the Elephant Hawk-Moth (Chærocampa elpenor). Full grown
- The Caterpillar of the Eyed Hawk-Moth (Smerinthus ocellatus)
- The Caterpillar of the Marbled White Butterfly (Arge galathea)
- Chinch Bug
- Thirteen-Spotted Lady Beetle
- Chrysalis of Tomato Worm
- Centipede
- Simulium venustum
- Sepsis violacea; puparium and adult
- Section through a venom gland of Latrodectus 13-guttatus showing the peritoneal, muscular and epithelial layers
- Sarcoptes scabiei. Diagrammatic representation of the course in the skin of man
- Sarcoptes scabiei, male
- Sarcoptes scabiei, female
- Salivary glands of Notonecta maculata
- Reduvius (Opsicœtus) personatus
- Rasahus biguttatus
- Poison apparatus of a honey bee
- Piophila casei