Home / Albums / Ages and Civilisations / Timelines 70
Maps and Timelines of significant eras of life in the world.

- Geologic time scale
- Imperial Federation-Map of the world showing the extent of the British Empire in 1886
- World as known to the Ancients
- Time-chart A.D. 1220-A.D. 1920
- Time-chart A.D. 800-A.D. 1500
- Time-chart A.D. 200-A.D. 900
- Time-chart 1000 B.C.-300 B.C.
- Time-chart 400 B.C.-A.D. 300
- The Chief Voyages of Exploration up to 1522
- The Break-up of Austria-Hungary
- The Balkans, 1878
- The Balkan States, 1913
- Switzerland
- Ottoman Empire, 1566
- Ottoman Empire before 1453
- North Eastern Frontier of France, 1792
- Mexico and Peru
- Japan and the East Coast of Asia
- Italy, 1861
- Ireland
- India in 1750
- Frankish Dominions in the Time of Charles Martel
- France at the Close of the 10th Century
- European Trade Routes in the 14th Century
- Europe, 500 A.D.
- Europe in the Time of Charles V
- Europe in 1714
- Europe at the Fall of Constantinople
- Europe at the Death of Charlemagne
- Europe and Asia, 1200
- Europe after the Congress of Vienna
- England, 878 A.D
- England, 640 A.D.
- Empire of Timurlane
- Empire of Otto the Great
- Empire of Jengis Khan, 1227
- Chief Foreign Settlements in India, 17th Century
- Central Europe, 1648
- Britain, France, and Spain in America, 1750
- Boston in 1775
- Arabia and Adjacent Countries
- American Colonies, 1760
- Africa, 1914
- Africa in the Middle of 19th Century
- Travels of Marco Polo
- Ægean Civilization (Map)
- Yuan Chwang’s Route from China to India
- Wars of the Greeks and Persians (Map)
- Tracks of Migrating and Raiding Peoples, 1-700 A.D.
- The World According to Herodotus
- The World According to Eratosthenes, 200 B.C.
- The Western Mediterranean, 800-600 B.C.
- The Spread of Buddhism
- The Rise of Buddhism
- The Land of the Hebrews
- The Known World, about 250 B.C
- The Empire of Darius
- The Eastern Empire and the Sassanids
- The Cradle of Western Civilization
- Rome and its Alliances, 150 B.C.