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- A Descendant of the Prophet
- A Guardian of the Temple
- A Karnak Beggar
- A Luxor Dancing-girl
- A Bargain in the Ghezireh Gardens
- A Dancing-Girl
- A Daughter of the Nile
- A Dealer in Antiquities
- Thebes, January 2, 1898
- Tombs of the Kings, Thebes
- The Present Situation
- The Sheik of the Pyramids
- The Slipper Bazaar, Cairo, January 22, 1898
- The man who has ‘been there before
- Shepheard’s Hotel, Cairo
- Shopping
- Statue of Thothmes, Karnak
- Temple of Ti
- The Bridge
- On the Road to Cairo
- Our Bisharin Friends, Assuan
- Our Christmas Dinner, Esneh, December 23
- Posing
- Rameses the Great
- Salem Ghesiri Dragoman
- Most of the day was spent with Baedeker
- On Grenfell Hill. The Keeper of the Tomb
- On the Bank at Komombos
- On the Bank
- In a Coffee-house, Cairo
- In the Fish-Market
- Indifference
- Karnak, January 2, 1898
- Lunching in Karnak
- Girl with goat
- Guardians of the Temple
- His Highness Prince Mahomet Ali, Cairo, February 14, 1898
- Home Visitors
- Camel-back
- Christmas Night—“Auld Lang Syne.”
- Christmas, 1897
- Egyptian High Life
- At Philæ
- At the Races, Khedival Sporting Club
- Beni-Hassan
- British Influence
- 'As good an imitation of Monte Carlo as the law allows.'
- An Assuan Beggar
- At Komombos
- At Lady Grenfell’s Masquerade Ball
- A Peddler
- A Son of the Desert
- All, the Pilot
- An Artist in the Mouskie
- An Assiût Donkey
- A dream
- An American Girl
- A Love Song
- At a Comedy
- Their presence of mind. They had been in their room but a moment when they were startled by a knock