Home / Albums / Tag Century:20th 604

- Camouflage
- The Rimasop Trench Coat
- The Tielocken
- Waterproof Trench Coat
- Gun Maxim, ·303 Inch - plan, with cover removed
- Mounting Tripod ·303 Inch, Maxim Gun Mark
- An Oil Refinery
- Being Poor
- Christmas in the Tenements
- Hell’s Kitchen
- Men standing in line
- Sailor’s Snug Harbor
- A Character
- A Love Affair in Little Italy
- A Wayplace of the Fallen
- Whence the Song
- The Sandwich Man
- The Waterfront
- The Wonder of the Water
- Toilers of the Tenements
- The Michael J. Powers Association
- The Push-cart Man
- The Realization of an Ideal
- The Man on the Bench
- The Men in the Dark
- The Men in the Snow
- The Men in the Storm
- The Cradle of Tears
- The End
- The Fire
- The Flight of Pigeons
- The Freshness of the Universe
- The City Awakes
- The City of My Dreams
- The Close of Summer
- Six O’clock
- The Beauty of Life
- The Bowery Mission
- The Car Yard
- Travelling Position
- Firing Position
- Medium flame-thrower
- Panzer
- Small-size one-man flame-thrower
- 15-mm aircraft cannon
- 20-mm aircraft cannon
- 75-mm recoilless gun
- An 'Out-curve' - the beginning
- An 'Out-curve' - the end
- Articles of a base-ball outfit
- Base-runner keeping on to third
- Batting for fielders' practice
- Catcher running for a 'Foul Fly'
- Catcher signalling to pitcher
- Catcher throwing down to second
- Diagram of pitcher's curves
- Diagram of the field
- 'Jump in front of the ball'
- Fielder catching a fly
- First baseman catching a high ball